Losing weight can be tough
People put so many expectations on this journey and themselves from the start by trying to do everything at once
And this is the reason why so many people do not achieve their weight loss and body shape goals
How To Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals - And Keep The Results
What started out with promise, ends in anger and frustration for most people when trying to lose weight
This article isn't about people giving up or not achieving their goal
It is about me giving you the exact steps you need to follow
So that come when you start your weight loss journey, you do not make this mistake
And you are able to follow this clear blueprint on how to achieve your weight loss goals
Weight Loss Achievement Step 1: You Won't Achieve This Unless You Allocate Time To Do This
It is very easy to let things get in the way, or work etc take over
And that becomes the excuse as to why you didn't achieve your results
If you schedule yourself, 3x30m blocks to workout each week
Then you have to find something that will give
Get up 30m earlier
Stay up 30m later
Drop TV for 30m
You have to find a way to make that workout happen and not let things, which in truth are usually excuses - get in the way
Weight Loss Achievements Step 2: How You Feel Should Be Your Priority
I could tell you so many stories of the people I have trained over the years
Who have 6/7 figure salary jobs
High end holidays
Amazing houses and holiday homes
But who's weight and health gets them down day after day
It doesn't matter where you are right now
If you really want to lose weight, change the way you feel
Then this should be your priority on your schedule
And if you blame time... look back to point 1
Weight Loss Achievement Step 3: Resolutions Require Resources
Anything you do that you are determined to achieve requires you to up-skill
You need to read and learn about HOW and WHAT you must do to get the results you want
You also need to have access to the right equipment, whether that is home workout (bands, dumbbells etc) or gym/studio
People are never really serious about a goal until they invest in the resources needed to make it happen
P.S: If you haven't got time to read - then skip back to point 1
BONUS: The quickest way to any goal is to invest in a company/person who can take out all the guesswork and give you an exact blueprint to follow
Join Our 6-Week Transformation Challenge At Gym Reb3l And Get Everything You Need To Achieve Your Weight Loss and Body Shape Goals
The reason all clients go through this before they can join the gym is because it allows us to work with you directly to build a specific workout, nutrition and lifestyle based around you
If you are follow a generic program then the results will be slow to non-existent
Working with a personal trainer at Gym Reb3l allows you to have the exact guidance you need to get your results along with the accountability to stay on track
Ultimately you achieving your goal comes down to you managing your time, having the right support and resources and making it a priority
If this does not happen
You will not get the results you want