Starting a weight loss program is tough and the journey of expectation is what usually puts people off
When it comes to losing weight people never think of the 'What If I Don't Lose Weight This Week Scenario'
When this happens they tend to quit because they haven't lost weight, so why bother...
To help you on your weight loss journey and to ensure you lose weight, change your body shape and get in to the best shape of your life
We have created a simple 7 Steps of Weight Loss article to take you through the steps you need to make to ensure your weight loss success
Step 1: Plan Your Weeks
For a lot of people they decide to lose weight and the first thing that comes in to their head is, I am going to start eating 'X Food' and go to the gym
But in order for your weight loss plan to be a success you need to plan everything
Your Breakfasts
Your Lunches
Your Dinners
Your Workouts
If you plan all of this so that you know each week what you are going to be doing, what days you are going to be training and the exact exercises you are going to be doing
You are a HUGE step in the right direction of getting the weight loss results you want
And if you don't and are struggling, then let our personal trainers help you with our 6 week body transformation challenge
Step 2: Monitor These 4 Key Principles Every Week
Food: This is essential because you want to write down what you are eating (you do not need to weigh and scan your food) so you can track what you are having and how it is making you feel; bloated, tired, amazing, energised etc...
Workouts: In order for you to progress you must track your workouts so you can see the improvements and also see what is working and what isn't working for you
Classes are a great start but for you to seriously change your body shape you need something specific to you
And whether that is from online weight loss programs, personal trainers or designing your own plans, it is essential you do this
Sleep: How many hours you sleep, and regular sleep patterns are crucial as it ensures your recovery
Poor sleep and recovery can mean your food could be affected (low blood sugar), you might not fully recover from your workouts so could increase the risk of injury... and for most, fatigue and lack of sleep leads to people quitting their program because they 'don't have time'
Mood: This is the most important and often over looked
How you feel on the program is essential
While the first few weeks may be tough in adjusting to the new regime, you do not want to still feel like this down the road
As it will mean it is more likely that you will not stick with this
Monitor your mood each day in the form of notes on your phone or in a tracking app, and then summarise the week and look at any potential changes you could make, and anything that is working for you
Step 3: Make Contingency Plans
Life just gets in the way sometimes and a skipped workout, meal or lack of sleep can have a huge affect on your progress
Look at your weeks and if you have meetings, social events and other potential things that could get in the way then think of what you can do to help
Snacks are a great way to keep with you if you know you will miss meals, or in some case replacement shakes like Huel can work well
This is why planning your week is essential as it can help you identify this so you can stay on track
Step 4: Cope With The Disappointment of a Weight Loss Program
There are going to be some weeks where the scales do not move
And this is why most people quit
If you talk to a personal trainer they will get you to focus on other aspects of your weight loss journey and the success you have had
The Fact You Are Exercising Regularly
The Fact You Are Eating Better Quality Foods
The Fact You Are Drinking More Water
The Fact You Are Sleeping Better
While the scale weight is important, you can't let a few weeks of plateaux or even a small gain put you off your journey
Focus on the bigger picture
Step 5: Know Your Numbers
We are not talking about tracking calories in this part but what we are talking about is tracking your progress
Weight Loss
Minutes of Cardio Each Week
Weights Lifted
Hours Slept
How You Feel - Maybe not a direct number but you can score each day out of 10
If you log your numbers each week you can track your progress and this is a huge motivational factor in your success
During our 6 week body transformation challenge all members track their numbers within our coaching app, meaning they can see their progress and their weekly success, and potential struggles
Step 6: Think Outside The 'Norm' of a Weight Loss Program
When it comes to losing weight the focus is always on weight loss
And as mentioned in point 4, there are so many other factors of success to a weight loss program
Losing weight and changing your body shape should be viewed as a complete lifestyle change, the lifestyle you are currently leading has led you to want to change - so it is not good for you
Think of activities and events you can do
Running Events
Hyrox/CrossFit Events
Swimming Challenges
Charity Events
There are so many choices and having goals outside of losing weight makes the whole process so much easier
Step 7: Never Quit
The final and last piece of advice
Write this bit down...
You Only Fail If You Quit
You can make as many mistakes as you want on this journey, but it only becomes a failure if you quit... never quit... makes mistakes... but never quit
Gym Reb3l 6 Week Body Transformation Challenge
The reason for the huge success in our body transformation challenge is our personal trainers focus to detail on the whole journey
Everything mentioned above is tracked within the app via our personal trainers guide and support
If you are struggling to lose weight and desperate to make a change
Click the button below and chat with one of our personal trainers via whats app about or 6 week body transformation program and the results you can get